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Автор: Dorte, 1 июля 2006 г. в 16:12

I search for work in Russia or Ukraine!

I´m Highly experienced Nanny / Governess in high profile German families and Royal Family.

I´m native german speaking woman with out a accent!

I’ve studied housekeeper for private households with taking care of children.
My experiences are:
+ with 5 children (2) brothers & (3) sisters from 8 months to 12 years at the same time
+ with 4 children (3) brothers & (1) sisters from 2 ½ (twins) to 7 years at the same time
+ with 3 sisters from 2 to 6 years at the same time
I am experienced in taking care of babies and children over 12 years, too.
In my schooldays I often babysat during the day and also at night, including playing and helping with the homework.

I’m a person who likes sports! I can ice skate. In 1984 I was “area champion” in cross racing. I like riding, bicycles. I never really played tennis, golf etc., but if it is possible, I would like to learn it!
The only think I wouldn‘t do are adrenaline sports!
I’ve got a lot of experience in riding „gait-horses“! I’ve taken lessons from different WC-Riders, so I can say I can ride, too.

So please, if you know how I can find a nice family, please write me!
(agency are also O.K.)


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7 апреля 2009, 01:15:20
Re: Nanny, Governess in Russia / Ukraine