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Автор: nelli, 29 декабря 2004 г. в 20:50


Could someone help me find an information (from Internet) of a russian-born horse living in Finland now? He is called Hlopock ( picture )and he is about 14 years old gelding. I've been told that he has been jumping in russian world cup team, up to 150cm fences.

Because I don't speak russian, or understand anything about cyrillic alphabets, this is mission impossible for me.

I would be very happy to hear anything about his past! Please, send me an e-mail: nelli_k@hotmail.com if you find out anything!



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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:06:29
Re: trying to find info of russian-born horse Hlopock
You might want to pose this same question to Elena Verdenberg. She consults on the website "www.horse.ru". She is also a moderator of "www.rustrakehner.ru". Her email address is "elena@swissinvesti.ch ". Elena may be able to get you some more info. "Hlopok",163 cm, born in 1989 in the breeding farm "Zevs" (Zeus, as a Greek god) - their email address is "zevs97@nwgsm.ru". It appears, Hlopok performed under Elena Kriuchkova [krjutchko'va], in "S" class.

I am assuming we are talking about the same horse. Hlopok comes from the Pilger line.

Best of luck.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:06:29
Re: trying to find info of russian-born horse Hlop
Nelli, missa pain Suomea heppasi asustelee nyt? Kilpaileeko?
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7 апреля 2009, 01:06:29
Re: trying to find info of russian-born horse Hlop
Ei ole minun hevonen, mutta asuu Lahnuksen ratsastuskoululla. Yksi ratsastuskoulun oppilas Toni kisaa Pokulla aluetasolla tällä hetkellä.