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Автор: cascaderanch, 8 июня 2004 г. в 19:03

Looking for frozen Donchak semen, to be shipped to the US. I'd like a gurantee, but will agree to a certified test freeze.

Email to cascaderanch@hotmail.com


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Екатерина Штатнова
7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
It's better to ask this question to the donchak' breeders directly.
vniik@rinf.ryazan.ru (Для Николаевой А. или Киборт М.И.)
vniik@rinfotels.ru (Для Николаевой А. или Киборт М.И.)

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7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
Thanks for the advise. I am using a "shotgun" approach; posting the same message everywhere, on all websites I could find. I already contacted VNIIK.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
I know it's an old thread, but I'm new here.
So have you had any luck with shipping Dons semen? It's so exciting that you plan on breeding them. Are you in the US?

Regards ,

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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
Он заказал, получил, но все оказались не "viable". Забили на замороженное, и просто взяли на "фантоме" у того самого жеребца глядя на которого и загорелись идеей. Пять кобыл беременны - две морабки (одна гнедая, одна соловая, с четырьмя белыми носками), одна Q-horse+ЧК (гнедая), две Q-horse (одна sorrel и одна гнедая). Пока все хорошо, слава Богу, тьфу три раза.


Sorry, I blinked... This was supposed to be in English.. Anywho, nothing came out of the frozen semen idea - He ordered it, received - all for not; non-viable. So we ended up going after the semen from the same stallion that originally gave us the idea. Collected the semen off of a fantom, and inseminated five mares back in August of 2004. So far, so good. With some luck, good care and a prayer, our efforts will pay off.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
Thanks for an update. I like the mares you guys chose. Come to think of it, dons are kind of "quarter horses of Russia" - bred to be very versatile (from saddle to harness) and with good stamina (typical army remounts). I hope you post some baby pics in July. What are the plans for the babies - are you going to show them in Western disciplines? If the babies going to come out with golden coats, will be quite a site in competition arenas.

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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
Come to think of it, dons are kind of "quarter horses of Russia" - bred to be very versatile (from saddle to harness) and with good stamina (typical army remounts).
Bingo!!! That's the premise the whole affair started on. Also, the stallion was a perfect specimen from the viewpoint of power and constitution, with a perfect muscle structure, good bone..

We really don't know what we are going to do with the horses. Time will tell. The morab-Don cross wasn't my idea. I can't imagine what the outcrop will be like. My input was in two QH mares - that's gotta produce an excellent reining horse. Consider the speed and the power! The QH+TB mare just happend to be "winking", so we loaded her up, too... - that's gotta produce something close to a European warmblood. I won't be surprised if the best result comes out from her..
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7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
Morabs might work out OK. Depends what kind of Morgans and Arabs was used in the first place. If good old style Morgans with plenty of bone, deep bodies, and normal movement plus good Arabians (not the flat top, crazy, no-bone creatures) then the cross could be a good overall horsey with some added sparkle from the Arabian side. JMHO
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
In other words, Orloff trotter?...
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7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
LOL well, if you put it like that...
plus the golden color.
I am surprised that Combined Driving people haven't invested in Orlovs yet. Orlovs have EVERYTHING that CDE people are looking for - decent size, tons of stamina, good looks, horses bred for long distance driving at a good clip. it seems that Orlov prices has gone up some, but a few years back you could have bought an elite class stallion and a bunch of mares for no money at all. oh well, I guess one just has to be patient. HOpefully people with money will discover different breeds one by one.

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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
It seems, many people get into a particular sport AFTER they obtain a horse/stable, etc. If a guy has a Morgan, he might get into driving. On the other hand, if a guy is into driving and is looking for a suitable horse - he might give exporting an OT some thought, but what's the point? for the cost of exporting one, you can get a decent Morgan. So, a guy buys a Morgan. Besides, he gets to play in driving classes at a next charity show of his choice. JMHO.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
I agree with what you said. But there are also people out there to whom money is not an issue. They just buy what they like, import or not. If that ever happens, it would create some exposure. Then Orlovs have a good shot, as "exotic" breeds tend to become a fad (just look at friesians, or gypsy vanner right now, and they are not cheap either).

Doesn't hurt to dream . If I ever win a lottery I'd import some heavy draft breeds. They'd have NO market at all, I just like them.
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
Vladimir would rate well, for the speed.

Recently, I understand, the import of horses from Russia has accelerated. At the same time, the "Russian Warmblood" term appeared. No reference to Russian studbooks of any kind. Local to the US "wheelers-dealers" established shoddy relations with Russian-based ones. That's it. For example - a recent ad: "Russian Warmblood Gelding - $50,000.00"

Not Budenny, not Don, not Russian Saddlebred.. - Russian Warmblood!! HERE, IN THE STATES!!!
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
I knew I'd find some reference.. For instance - here is one:

Russian Warmblood

Graf, $15,000. Take a good look at the "Registries". No way the horse on the picture and the horse on the video is the same horse!
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7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
Yep - I took a look at this ad - very very fishy. The markings on the horse in pic are not even close to the horse in the video. Now, it might have been an honest mistake, but I doubt it. Then, only 15K for 8 y.o. schooling and showing FEI??? Nah, that doesn't happen. Too good to be true, the horse of this age and training would probably fetch 40K (or more).

Yes, I find the label "Russian Warmblood" very irritating. I understand that everyone is stuck on the "warmblood" part, but a clever marketing person could have done so much working with actual breed (whatever it might be, Russian Trakener, Dons, Ukranians etc).

As for Vladimirs. To be honest, I have never seen one live, so I have no idea how they move. All of the former USSR terrirory drafties are wonderful work horses, but here money is in draft show horses, and those have high action. I don't think any of our drafties have it. But Vladimirs might find their niche as riding horses. As they are lighter and faster, they would do well undersaddle (you know I'm biased, I like riding drafties).

So, are you doing to call your half-Don babies "Don Warmbloods"? You could make a killing on them then :P

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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
Oh, I don't think we need to worry about registry.. Chances of us establishing a breed are precisely zero. We are in it for the thrill of doing. However... Morgadon, Donmar, American Don(skoy), Quarterdon, among many others were discussed.
DonQu was the winner! We nixed that one.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:02:16
Re: Donchak breeders?...
ROFL I'd have to agree, DonQ takes the prize!