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Анна Окружнова

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Анна Окружнова

30 Day Equestrian Challenge - Day 5.

26 мая 2012, 11:21:17

5. Describe your first fall. 

Ohmygod, that was a really silly fall. That time was my second riding lesson (at all), and my trainer (if I can call her like that) in the end of the ride said: “Oh let’s have some galloping now! That’ll be okay!”. And I want to mention, I have never done gallop in my life before. But I said “of course!”. Yup, I was scared a little, but my trainer took my horse on the lunge and gave her a strong stroke with a whip. The horse was just unbelievably freaked out and started to buck and make fucking movements which I had thought before, horses CAN’T DO physically. So, as a green rider, I couldn’t manage with that shitty situation and fell off. Rather embarassing, I should say.

P.S Now I’m having my exercises and trainings with a professional dressage trainer and as for that jerk, who had “trained” me before - I hate her and want to have nothing in common with her anymore.