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Michael Kuzmin | Михаил Кузьмин

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Michael Kuzmin | Михаил Кузьмин

econ quotes

1 августа 2009, 10:03:20
i’ve been doing some reading in economics. just a couple of quotes “… forecast errors from a good forecasting model must be unforecastable!” (Elements of Forecasting, Diebold) “The statistical literature describes false positives as Type I errors and false negatives as Type II errors. Most common of all is the Type II error: not being able to [...]


31 июля 2009, 08:58:21
haha, i just watched Coraline, it was fun. im not big fan of the doll-style animation.. but i really really enjoyed this one! check it out. and the cat is increbly cool. see the screenshot above.   

31 июля 2009, 05:47:18
i was cleaning up my room today and i found my brother’s old digital camera. i pluged it in and found this picutre. it’s my dog, her name was Dasha. i had her since i was 4, pretty much all my life. she died about a year ago, i miss her, she was the best.   

лай лай лай

25 июля 2009, 21:19:05
наблюдение: некоторые люди с большой охотой лгут (коллегам, друзьям.. и без зазрения совести), оправдывая себя целиком и полностью перед самими же собой тем простым фактом, что рассказываемое было услышено от другого человека. иными словами, имеет место быть отличный механизм распространения слухов. кто-то один, допустим А, ради шутки или по ошибке, рассказывает Б свою историю, потенциально развлекательную. [...]


21 июля 2009, 12:17:07
Renewed- Titus 3:5, VerseVisions Modern Art Originally uploaded by MarkLawrenceGallery.com to all of you people who like photoshoping stuff but are not exactly sure how… frames don’t always make your pictures look better. and so don’t the questionable watermarks with you nickname (which are unfortunately, face it, not exactly state-of-the-art). ..in fact most of the time that stuff [...]


21 июля 2009, 11:50:20
to all of you people who like photoshoping stuff but are not exactly sure how… frames don’t always make your pictures look better. and so don’t the questionable watermarks with you nickname (which are unfortunately, face it,  not exactly state-of-the-art). ..in fact most of the time that stuff makes fairly good pictures look cheap. cheers .   


30 июня 2009, 03:47:10
Don’t let them have their way You’re beautiful and so blas


29 июня 2009, 07:45:00
Ad poenitendum properat, cito qui judicat. (lat.) знал же, надо было в понедельник. сиди жди теперь.   

double jeopardy

28 июня 2009, 21:43:36
reconciliation of your mind pick up your pace, yeah loaded and high stay up all night crash outer space, yeah we’re both in jeopardy for crimes against outselves we’re both like one, we seak the sun for someone else life stands still oh-ey-oh-ey cause i ain’t real oh-ey-oh-ey ….   

4ourth yeah

28 июня 2009, 00:54:33
so i finally got enrolled Analyse r